Change is good! Unless it's in pennies... then you end up at a coin-in-to-cash machine each spring, making the toughest decision of all: $.08 per dollar less in store credit or $.15 less in cold hard cash. In either case, you will most likely end up with more coins.
The changes in our hobby are hot right now. And with those hot changes, come heated forum debates. is more popular than ever with rumors, preorders, spyshots and keyboard engineers pointing out any design flaws or poor anodizing color choices found on the soon to be released Team Associated RC10B5 and RC10B5M.
Lambos: Mid motor cars were driven by short dudes. Way before AE made it cool
It's no big news that AE boldly decided on two versions of the upcoming B5, a rear motor and a mid motor. Though neither version has even been raced yet, that doesnt keep the forums from concluding and reviewing both anyways. Which is great, because we were all wondering how good it was. But, as it turns out, one 2wd buggy may be all we really need.
Ryan "The Lutzinator" Lutz has blogged that the rear motor just didnt work for the Reedy this past weekend. So he opted to swap to Mid motor for the final rounds of 2wd. More here:
It took about fourteen years, but no rc company is embracing change(increments of tenths: .1 .2 ect..) and thus adding to chatter on the forums than Team Associated. They've got the trusty B4.2, all Centroed up, and still on podiums. Yet, primed for replacement.
As a lover of all things 80's myself, rc cars, skateboards, and Lambos, I also happen to be a fan of BK. Some racers old enough or well versed enough in RC10 lore may remember, BK and AE split the band up shortly after that win in 1993 and thus his photo was removed from the kit packaging and advertising art. AE suggested artistic differences.
3 out of 4 har working winners aint bad. |
After the split, Team Losi(way before TLR) scored Kinwald and together they thrived. So well, that AE now considers that period the Dark Days, hoping all will forget their composite chassis rival during the 90's.That dynamic duo of Kinweald and Losi ended sometime this millennial with the RC Micro Machine company that Losi became, and BK settled with that little brand that could, X-Factory.
While it may sound like BK and X-Factory were selling internet fetish footwear, they were in fact leading the world in the mid-motor conversion of Associated B4s world wide.
During the 2000's, while the 2wd 1/10 scale buggy industry was busy with making rear motor cars point and shoot like they've always done, X-Factory, it's U.S. fans and The BK spent years making the mid-motor car work where none could before, on US clay and outdoor tracks. Albeit, with a lot of Brian Kinwald's dremel magic.
X6^2 was a math problem famously solved by BK using a front wing, parts from over half a dozen manufacturers and plenty of blue and gold anodizing. |
Throughout the 2000's XFactory + remote control google searches ended NSFW |
About the year 2012, Brian K and Team Associated decided to get the band back together. This left the forward(err mid) thinking folks at X-Factory in a position to hopefully put some resources into their 4wd car and now available X6 Cubed.
Bringing us full circle to racing rc cars today. With his knowledge and experience, I have no doubt that BK put his stamp on the RC10B5 and RC10B5M. I'm looking forward to seeing the combined result in person at tracks in next coming months.
A few months ago the good natured and neon green Geo Tracker driving hosts at Radio Impound got the goods on Brian Kinwald in an interview that any RC car enthusiast should listen to, at least once.
Radio Impound Podcast mobile |
Kirby Hand, Gotti Jr, and Jason Ruona have a great podcast going at Racio Impound. Although, most of their basketball references go way over my head. I enjoy their stoke on rc and tales of the good ole (usually)Trinity days. Check them out.
In a sad turn of events, R.O.A.R has announced that there will be no door banging VTA class at nationals this February 26 - March 2, 2014 in Nebraska. Stating, "lack of
signups" as the reason. Bummer, cuz I've been partial to watching cool looking cars slide around the carpet and pavement. Oh well.
Roar does intend to run 13.5 touring instead, with a haunting harmonica played in the background.
Plenty of used VTA cars will be for sale in Omaha this February |
It's Wednesday, the bands back together, and my local track just got a solid new track change.
In the footsteps of the great bloggers before me, I'm considering a something like a Friday Quiz to lighten the snarkyness that I spew throughout the week. Winners, losers and 12.5 milli-yard cheater motors get a virtual pat on the back for just showing up.
Thanks for reading!